
Application Form

Please check our Calendar for availability before making your application.

Please complete the online form.  If there are any questions please contact the Bookings Secretary on or 07381 850021.

Booking form and all Terms and Conditions here.

Rucklers Lane Community Association Privacy Policy here.

Do you intend to have a bouncy castle?

Have you visited our hall before?

Would you like to arrange a viewing?

Terms and conditions

Bouncy Castle hire terms and conditions

Access and hire conditions:

General hire conditions here

Bouncy Castle hire conditions here

The Hall has an electronic lock on the front door which enable the hirer to access the Hall at the specified time by use of a unique code.  Details will be supplied by the Bookings Secretary a few days before the event.


The current hire charge is £12.50 per hour, with a minimum charge of £37.50 (3 hours). Please ensure that the hire period includes time to get the Hall set up for use and for time to put the Hall back to the state it was initially and to clean the area.

The deposit of £150 will be refunded if the application is not accepted.  If the application is granted, the hire charge must be paid in full at least 14 days before the date of the function.


Sort Code: 09-01-53 & Account No.: 36241909 (Business Account).

Account name: Rucklers Lane Community Association. 

If there are issues with your bank, then try this name instead: RUCKLERS LANE COMM ASSN & NO 1 ACC CHARITY 803665.